ROV / Sonar Multibeam

Diving Professionals 24/7

ROV services

When carrying out underwater work, it is not always self-evident that a diving team will immediately enter the water. In certain cases, an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) – or underwater drone – with Sonar Multibeam is used as an alternative or in addition to the diving team.

While ROVs are of value to certain types of diving inspections, deploying a dive team in situations that require detailed, real-time human interaction and intervention, usually offers superior benefits.

The choice between a dive team and an ROV depends on several factors, such as the nature of the inspection, specific circumstances and the available resources. In some cases, a combination of both approaches may be the most effective solution.

Download our flyer here (Dutch) with detailed information about the use of ROVs versus divers.

Need a diving team and, or ROV service quickly? DTS guarantees an experienced diving team on site throughout the Netherlands within 2 to 3 hours – 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. In the three northern provinces we are on location within 60 – 90 minutes on average.

Diving company DTS is certified according to VCA* 2017 6.0 and ISO 9001-2015




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