Together you stand strong, that also applies to dive teams
How do you bring knowledge of ships and diving together in a wonderful collaboration?
The answer is Nautechnics and DTS!
Alle Kalverboer has been a fanatical diver for 25 years. From shipbuilding, where he installed propulsion systems in large ships, he started his own diving company: Nautechnics. Alle’s technical knowledge of ships is very useful for inspections of ships below the waterline, such as propeller inspections where nets and ropes have to be removed from the propeller. We therefore regularly work with Nautechnics, with DTS and Nautechnics alternately being each other’s clients.
The strengths of DTS in this cooperation are mainly that we are a fully certified diving company, that our material trucks have a video system on board and that we act super fast in case of calamities.
We therefore complement each other very well on such jobs.
A few weeks ago we were still active together in Eemshaven, where the MS Romantika – the ferry service between the port of Groningen and Kristiansand in Norway – had become detached from the quay in strong winds and floated through the harbour, hitting several ships. We carried out an inspection below the waterline of one of the ships that were hit. Fortunately for the skipper, we were not able to observe any damage in this case.
And since we were there anyway; after this job we also removed the necessary rope from the propeller of a fishing cutter.
Do you also need a diving team for underwater activities, or quick assistance in the event of a calamity? Diving company DTS is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call +31 (0)88-365 24 07 or email: info@duikbedrijfdts.nl
Diving company DTS is certified according to VCA* 2017 6.0 and ISO 9001-2015.