Diving inspection

Diving Professionals 24/7


Inspection work on and below the waterline

Diving Company DTS offers a wide range of inspection work, both above and below the waterline. We use advanced technologies, including ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles), unless specific circumstances require well-trained, experienced divers. Our divers are fully certified and have the necessary inspection and diving certificates, recognized by the NDC-CI. Inspections are carried out completely independently and expertly by DTS.

What we inspect

We carry out diving inspections on various objects and structures below the waterline. The specific request of the customer is central to this. Some examples of objects that we inspect are:

  • Soil condition and soil structures
  • Retaining walls and bank protection
  • Fire protection systems and fire extinguishing systems
  • Quay structures and water barrier walls
  • Waterworks, such as locks, lock gates and water barriers
  • Underground tunnels and ground culverts and transit pipes under motorways
  • Water barriers such as dams
  • Vessels and maritime structures
  • Pumping stations such as water pumping systems and water pumping stations
  • Slipways and slipways

How and with what we inspect

  1. Inspection with ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle)

We basically carry out our inspections with an ROV. This offers various advantages:

  • Safety: Diving always involves risks for the diver; an ROV eliminates these risks.
  • Longer working time: An ROV does not require breaks, is not affected by temperature conditions and is not dependent on air supply.
  • Depth and size range: An ROV can operate at depths and in confined spaces where diving is impractical or even dangerous.
  • Precise positioning: An ROV can be precisely positioned using sonar and positioning systems.
  • Advanced sensors: With sonar, high-resolution cameras, magnetometers and laser scanners, an ROV can capture detailed images and take measurements that are difficult to see with the naked eye.

An ROV can complement a dive team in a number of ways, such as quickly locating objects with sonar or inspecting quays and structures in low visibility due to murky water.

  1. Inspection with dive team and audio and video equipment

Although ROVs are very valuable, a dive team is often indispensable in situations where real-time human interaction is required:

  • Flexibility and adaptability: A diver can adapt instantly to unexpected situations.
  • Tactile perception: A diver can use his/her sense of touch to better identify problems.
  • Real-time assessment: Human assessment and interpretation of video images can be of great value during an inspection.
  • Rapid intervention: Unlike ROVs, a diver can intervene immediately in emergency situations.

Our diving team uses modern audio and video equipment. You can watch and communicate with the diver live during the diving inspection. All images and sounds are recorded and can be summarized in a written report so that you gain a clear insight into the condition of the inspected underwater objects.

  1. Non-destructive testing

Non-destructive testing methods include visual inspections and ultrasonic steel thickness measurements. Other methods that we regularly perform are:

  • Taking wood samples and hardness testing of wooden structures.
  • Taking soil samples for analysis.
  • Collecting concrete cores that provide crucial information on tensile strength, compressive strength, porosity, splitting strength and chloride content.

These inspections provide valuable data that can be analyzed both on site and in specialized laboratories.

  1. Certification for inspection of vessels and marine structures

DTS will soon be offering more extensive inspection services for maritime vessels and underwater structures. We do this according to the strict standards of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). In cooperation with Bureau Veritas, a leading certification body, we are expanding our services to meet the highest international standards.

What does this mean for you?

Our cooperation with Veritas enables us to offer you full support throughout the entire inspection process, fully in line with IACS regulations. This means that your vessels and marine structures are inspected according to the highest standards, contributing to the reliability and safety of your vessel or installations.

Our services in cooperation with IACS and Veritas include:

  • Inspection and certification: Extensive inspection of your maritime vessels and underwater structures according to IACS standards.
  • Risk analysis: In-depth assessment and reporting of potential risks, carried out by our experienced team.
  • Advice and support: Expert advice and support throughout the entire certification process, so that your projects meet international standards.
  • Video and documentation: After the inspection, we provide you with detailed reports, supported by video material. This ensures an accurate recording of maintenance requirements and any necessary repairs.

DTS Diving Company is certified according to VCA* 2017 6.0 and ISO 9001-2015.



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Sprocket: Perfect addition in the field of steelwork above and below the waterline

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Sprocket: Perfect addition in the field of steelwork above and below the waterline

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Sprocket: Perfect addition in the field of steelwork above and below the waterline

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Sprocket: Perfect addition in the field of steelwork above and below the waterline

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Sprocket: Perfect addition in the field of steelwork above and below the waterline

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